Neo-Kolonialis David Cameron Membuat Lawatan Di Mesir

Setelah Kenyataan kontroversi yang dibuat oleh David Cameron Kepada kepelbagaian budaya (Multi-Culturism) yang dikatakan beliau sebagai gagal untuk mengekang Extremis Islam. David Cameron telah pun mencatatkan nama beliau sebagai pemimpin Neo-kolonialisasi Menjadi pemimpin Pertama Dunia yang melawat Mesir setelah Terjadinya Krisis Mesir yang telah pun berjaya menurunkan Kepemimpinan Hosmi Mubarak 10 Hari yang lalu.

David Cameron telah pun mengaturkan beberapa siri dialog dengan pemimpin kerajaan Mesir seperti Menteri pertahan Mesir, Mohamed Tantawi, dan juga Perdana Menteri Ahmed Shafiq.

David Cameron Juga dilaporkan telah pun Mengaturkan sesi Dialog dengan beberapa pemimpin Anti-Hosni .

Malangnya Pemimpin daripada Ikhwanul Muslimin Yang dikatakan SEBAGAI PENGGERAK UTAMA didalam krisis ini Telah pun terpinggir daripada sesi dialog bersama pemimpin Neo-kolonialis ini.

"Not Extremist" (Bukan Ekstrimis)- David Cameron

Apabila Dilontarkan mengenai kekejaman yang dilakukan oleh Rejim Sosialis Islam Muammar Gaddafi kepada Rakyat Libya David Cameron Berpendapat bahawa, Kekejaman yang dilakukan merupakan penganiayaan kepada Sebuah Negara yang autokratik dan tertutup.


Dengan Melihatkan kepada Situasi Ini, Nyata benar sentimen jihad atas landasan keagamaan telah memainkan PERANAN PENTING didalam mencetuskan kemarahan , Namun DISISIHKAN DAN TIDAK MENDAPAT PELUANG PENGIKTIRAFAN dan akan terus dipermainkan didalam menaikkan kemarahan rakyat.

Ketaksuban kepada Sosialis Islam yang mencetuskan kekejaman kepada rakyat yang dikatakan memberontak akan terus dipermainkan dan terus memberi isyarat kepada mana mana parti yang berteraskan kepada Ketaksuban Kultus Personaliti untuk tidak bertindak secara ekstrem seperti rejim Muamar Gaddafi.

Melihat pula Tindakan David Cameron yang seakan-akan menterjemahkan kembali Tanggung jawab "White Man's Burdern" di Mesir dalam siri lawatannya pada kali ini, Diakui Bahawa Mesir merupakan Bekas Jajahan Kolonial yang telah pun bebas Merdeka pada 22 Febuari 1922 Melalui Pengisytiharan Unilateral Kemerdekaan Mesir. yang dibuat oleh pihak British.

Termenung saya seketika memikirkan apakah ini Globalisasi Neokolonialisme.

Walau pun sudah terbau mungkin akan berlaku beberapa perkara yang kurang enak pada negara ini , tetapi didalam Hati saya Masih sangat Berharap bahawa ianya bukanlah Senjata Neo-kolonialisme !
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David Cameron arrives for Egypt visit

David Cameron has arrived in Egypt, the first world leader to visit the country since President Hosni Mubarak was forced out of office.
The UK prime minister will hold talks with officials from the country, which is under military rule.
He said his visit was a "great opportunity" to push for democracy to be established in Egypt.
Mr Mubarak stood down 10 days ago amid widespread protests against his regime by pro-democracy activists.
Mr Cameron is due to hold talks with the head of the armed forces supreme council, defence minister Mohamed Tantawi, as well as the country's Prime Minister, Ahmed Shafiq.
Meetings with figures from the anti-Mubarak opposition movement have also been arranged, although they will not include representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood - the banned Islamic group which is thought to have widespread public support.
'Not extremists'
Speaking on the flight to Cairo, Mr Cameron said: "This is a great opportunity for us to go and talk to those currently running Egypt to make sure this really is a genuine transition from military rule to civilian rule and see what friendly countries like Britain and others in Europe can do to help.

David Cameron

David Cameron's visit comes just 10 days after Egypt's president was ousted
"I am particularly keen... to get to Egypt and to be one of the first people there."
Part of his agenda will be a call for the lifting of emergency laws, which have been in place for more than 30 years.
Mr Cameron said: "What is so refreshing about what's been happening is that this is not an Islamist revolt. This is not extremists on the streets. This is people who want to have the sort of basic freedoms that we take for granted in the UK."
The prime minister had planned to make a trade-centred tour of the Middle East but altered his schedule to visit Egypt.
BBC deputy political editor James Landale, who is travelling with Mr Cameron, said it was extraordinary for a British prime minister to engage in full-on diplomacy in a country that is still "in flux".
But he added: "The prime minister believes that there's a window of opportunity for western leaders like him to give what his advisers are calling 'candid' advice. The danger is that he's seen as lecturing a country and that he's seen as legitimising a temporary regime, rather than giving it a further nudge towards reform."
The visit also comes while anti-government protests are raging in Libya and Bahrain.
Asked about the violent treatment of demonstrators against Muammar Gaddafi's regime in Libya in recent days, Mr Cameron said: "Our message, as it has been throughout this - I think we have been extremely consistent in saying that the response to the aspirations people are showing on the streets of these countries must be one of reform not repression.

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What is happening in Libya which completely appalling and unacceptable” 

David Cameron

"We can see what is happening in Libya which is completely appalling and unacceptable as the regime is using the most vicious forms of repression against people who want to see that country, which is one of the most closed and one of the most autocratic, make progress.
William Hague: Libya should respect "basic international human rights' norms"
Meanwhile, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague is in Brussels for talks on the violence in Libya.
Oil firm BP has said it is preparing to evacuate some of its staff and their families from the country over the next day or so. The company has 40 foreign employees in Libya.
