Penahanan MV Rachel Corrie: Kesedihan Warga Dunia terhadap Regim Zionis

Baru Sebentar tadi , Saya menerima Kenyataan Sedih dari Twitter Perdana Global Peace Organisation mengenai Penahanan Kapal MV Rachel Corrie yang dibawa ke Ashdod , Israel .

The Rachel Corrie has been forcibly seized by the Israeli navy and is being towed to Ashdod. All on board are reported safe.

Kenyataan yang sangat menyedihkan seluruh warga dunia kepada kekejaman warga israel  yang ternyata menafikan kebajikan dan juga keperluan yang merupakan hak bagi warga Gaza didalam mereka menempuh kehidupan mereka pada masa akan datang.

Walau bagaimana pun marilah kita doakan keselamatan mereka yang berada didalam Tahanan Israel ketika ini.

Berikut dilampirkan Kenyataan dari Wisma Putra mengenai penahanan ini

Latest confirmed report. Press Release by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia:

Malaysia strongly demands Israel to ensure the safety of all the humanitarian activists onboard the cargo vessel MV Rachel Corrie that was seized by the Israeli Defence Force early morning of 5 June 2010.

Malaysia also demands for Israel not to take any drastic and violent military action on the unarmed passengers of the Rachel Corrie. All the humanitarian activists on board the Rachel Corrie should be given the necessary assistance to ensure their safety. Malaysia also calls on Israel to ensure a safe passage for the vessel to Gaza to deliver the humanitarian cargo. In this regard, Malaysia urges the International Community to persuade Israel to allow the humanitarian vessel to reach Gaza safely.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is closely monitoring the developments as there are six Malaysians on board the Rachel Corrie.

Dato’ Sri Anifah Aman
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia
5 June 2010